Turnitin is a plagiarism detection software that compares submitted documents to a database of academic content and other student papers. The software checks for text similarities and generates a similarity report, which can be used to identify instances of plagiarism.
Check the originality of your work using Turnitin. You may request an account via http://bit.ly/UPLBLibAccountRequest.
Due to the licensing agreement, we regret to inform you that we no longer give Instructor accounts to students, as these accounts were only meant for FACULTY, REPS, and STAFF. Please find below options for you to have your Turnitin Student account.
Should you wish to avail yourself of options 2 or 3, respectively, please feel free to get in touch with us.
All students must be enrolled in an active class. To enroll in a class, please enter the class ID number and class enrollment key given by your instructor. Please note that the key and pin code are case-sensitive. Please contact your instructor if you do not have this information or if the information you entered appears incorrect.
All students may avail of the Library’s Originality/Plagiarism Check Service. With this service, the student must send their paper/file via email to cfnrlibrary.uplb.edu.ph. We will upload the paper for originality check. Once checking is completed, we will send them the similarity report as their reference to enhance their papers further.
Students may also enroll in the class that we Librarians have created for this purpose. Once the checking has been completed, the similarity report can be viewed and downloaded and eventually be used as a reference in enhancing the paper. For interested parties, you may email us the Class ID and the enrollment key to get enrolled.