UPLB CFNR Library holds an information literacy program

The UPLB CFNR Library facilitated the “22nd Information Literacy Program: stay UPdated” held last March 20 via virtual conferencing.

Asst. Professor Alfie M. Torres requested the conduct of the activity as the designated coordinator of FOR 195 (Research Methods in Forestry and Natural Resources). 77 participants from Section AB-1L, Section AB-2L, and Section AB-3L attended the three ILP sessions virtually.

The information literacy program aimed to:

  • Gain insight and understanding about diverse sources of information to evaluate and use resources appropriately.
  • Identify the appropriate level of scholarship among publication types to evaluate the usefulness of the information critically.
  • Share ideas responsibly in various formats and contexts.
  • Properly distinguish between their ideas and the intellectual property of others to ethically use the information and demonstrate academic integrity.

Mr. Lyjhey V. Flora, RL, spearheaded the sessions as the CFNR Library ILP coordinator. In the first topic, Ms. Janine Padilla-Cruz, MLIS, RL, discussed evaluating information source types. Mr. Joel DC. Ocier, MLIS, RL, presented the second topic on University Library’s online databases. For the third topic, Ms. Sarah Jane B. Pomay, MA, RL, LPT, shared the importance of citing and referencing using Mendeley. Finally, Ms. Jamie Lynne L. Flora, MLIS, RL, explained the last topic on plagiarism and originality check using Turnitin.

Ms. Jamie Lynne L. Flora, MLIS